Monday, September 29, 2008


Today I woke up and had to get on a conference call as soon as I got up. I was trying to wake up as the call got started, but it never really worked. Several times throughout the call, I found myself lost and disinterested. Such is the norm with me and conference calls, but these Monday morning ones are especially brutal. I was called upon to give my input and I gave a less than inspiring account of my daily happenings from the past week. When someone else was talking, a question was posed to determine if one of my customers were experiencing a similar issue. Everyone on the call paused to wait for my feedback.

I had nothing to say. I played it off like I had forgotten to turn the mute button off, but the truth is that I had not really heard the question. Apathy is really putting a damper on my productivity. I'll snap out of it though. There's something about the relationship between my inactivity and productivity. If I stay active, my mind is sharp and I am more focused. When I am not terribly active, like I'm not right now due to the knee injury, everything else in the way of productivity seems to suffer as well. Oh well, I'll get through it soon enough.

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