Friday, March 20, 2009

Blind as a bat or No Attention to Detail!

As I revisit this entry a mere 20 days later, I have absolutely no idea what my train of thought was. Such is the problem with that proverbial train stopping at every station. Perhaps I should have jotted down some notes or given myself some keywords to trigger a memory and get me going again the next time that I sat down. I guess that's why they say that hindsight is 20/20. None of these ideas presented themselves the last time I was looking at this entry and choosing what seemed like such a clever "same bat time, same bat channel" title.

But past is indeed prologue. Now I know what should be done the next time I can't finish an entry. I guess that makes this rambling entry a necessary evil to be referred to whenever I can't recall why exactly I should be making some notes or a succinct little outline about what is on my mind. Okay, I'll spare you any further deliberating. I really don't have anything further to say here.

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