Friday, December 12, 2008

When Auto-pilot goes wrong...

Tired and hungry is never a good combination for me, but this predicament is precisely where I found myself tonight. I don't know why. I didn't work particularly hard today except maybe at the gym. I hadn't sat in any traffic and my kids and I had been home for a couple of hours. I had cooked dinner the previous evening so I wouldn't have to worry about slaving over the stove. I was just in the zone, but not in the good way. Here's how it went down.

I had a load of laundry in the washing machine, and one in the dryer. I had another stack of clothes on my bed waiting to be folded. The dishwasher hadn't done a very thorough job on the last load of dishes, so I was taking those out and stacking them on the counter to be washed by hand. Meanwhile, I was reheating the food so that my kids could eat right away while I continued to clean. Once again, I cooked some delicious spaghetti but somehow there wasn't enough for me after I made plates for the kids. No worries. I boiled some more water and threw some more noodles in there.

"By the time I'm finished with these dishes, the noodles will be done and I can relax and eat," I thought to myself.

The kids finished their food and I proceeded to grab their plates and wash them as well. It sure was going to be great to have a clean kitchen immediately after dinner. I had to change the channel to something they didn't want to watch (I think it was THursday night football) so that they would actually concentrate on their plates and eat their food in under an hour. When I set their salad in front of them, The Suite Life of Zach and Cody was playing for the 13th time today and even though they had already seen that episode, they couldn't tear their eyes away from it.

Things were coming together almost exactly according to plan. I had washed the strainer and set it to the side of the sink and was washing the last couple of bowls and then their plates when it was time for the noodles to be done. Like the finely tuned domestic machine that I was on this evening, I set the bowls and plates in the dishwasher to dry, dried my hands with a towel, picked up the oven mitts so that I could pick up the large pot of boiling water containing my noodles, made a quarter turn to face the sink and poured the boiling water and noodles into the sink.

Recall that I had previously mentioned that I had set the strainer to the side of the sink. Yeah, this minor detail didn't set in with me either until a second or two later when I looked at the empty strainer to the left of the sink. My noodles went down the drain without a trace just as my hunger intensified exponentially. I stood there frozen for a moment, totally defeated. I couldn't remember if that was the last of the noodles or not, but I hoped that it was not. It wasn't. Now, however, I'd have to fill the pot with more water and wait until it started to boil and then wait another 11 minutes after that for the noodles to cook. I finally sat down to enjoy my pasta (I had half a package of penne in the cupboard) at about 1015pm.

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