Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It’s official. I’m addicted. I can’t go a day without reading the various blogs on the Urban Thought Collective website/blog/community to which I am a contributor. I just spent an hour responding to comments on my latest submission, reading the blogs of the other authors and adding an occasional comment on those, and clicking on some of the breaking news event links on that page and the page. I have an excuse for the browsing though because I happen to be residing at the only hotel in the Western Hemisphere which does not include ESPN on its television channel lineup. At home I stay connected with the constant background noise loop that Sportscenter provides as I flip on the tube (well, the plasma these days ;-) ) while I do the dishes or nose around the refrigerator.

The blog site is just exciting though. I’m eager to see if the readers were able to glean from my writing whatever it was that I was trying to convey. I also like to see if they were entertained, providing that that was the intent of one of my entries. I like reading the other blogs just to hear the very interesting and diverse perspectives from the writers and readers on a whole host of current topics and newsworthy items. I should totally be going to sleep now. I got up early and traveled all day yesterday and then went to bed late and got up early again today. I worked all day today (and I do mean ALL day) again and I am quite tired. Somehow though, I can’t tear myself away. I’m feeling like I’m going to miss something. Perhaps this is my version of the network TV series that can’t be missed. It is my Lost or my Grey’s Anatomy, or my Desperate Housewives (none of which I have ever seen in their entirety by the way).

What’s more, there are so many of my own personal emails to respond to on my yahoo account. I couldn’t really check those today during the regular workday, as I usually would, because the customer was all up in my grill all day! And then there’s always the “Daily”. I’ve got to get something in here as much as possible. Right?

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