First and foremost I'd like to apologize for the stupid title to this post. Today's date is October 10th (or at least it was when i scrawled some thoughts on to a piece of paper four hours ago. I feel like I've let my international readership down, not getting something posted on October 10th. We have passed midnight in California and it is now officially October 11th. As if I have any international readership, or anyone other than 2 or 3 friends actually reading this stuff...). Anyway, back to the title. Tin Tin is a cartoon character that apparently is quite popular in Europe, among other places. I recall from my travels to Spain that this little guy's face was everywhere. I even sent postcards with his likeness on them. I guess he wasn't exactly Bugs Bunny over here in the States, so not many people know about him, and as a result, I look as random as usual making some seemingly clever reference that amuses only me. So, to re-cap...Tin Tin, 10 10...stay with me now.
Anyways, “they” say that you should write everyday if you’re going to call yourself a writer. I’d love for somebody to call me a writer, so I’m trying to adhere to this rule. So here I am on day 3, and I already missed a day (Day 2). Which brings me to the second thing I'm apologizing for: The lack of a October 9th post. I had a good excuse though. I was busy. (Insert the laugh track, or the collective groan from the audience…you decide. Better yet the “Aaaaaahhhhhhh!” from the collection of black Brooklyn-ites on the street in the Spike Lee movie Do The Right Thing after the white guy on the bicycle apologizes for stepping on Giancarlo Esposito’s new Jordan’s –
“Dem sh*tz was $100!”
“Yeah…$108 with tax!”
Yeah, I knew you weren’t going to buy that excuse. Really, I was though. I went to the gym for yoga, weightlifting, and some cardio. I met a friend for lunch. I got a haircut ( and in so doing, was brought up to speed on “the latest”), I went to my son’s flag football practice, and I went to see the San Francisco premier of The Color Purple. Yes, I did get up at 5am to do all of this. Oh yeah…I almost forgot. I “worked from home” too. But that’s enough on the excuses. Clearly, I’ve got to move writing up higher on the priority list. I do push-ups as soon as I roll outta bed every morning and prefer to go to the gym before the rest of the day gets away from me. I was about to write something at around lunch time. Really...I was. I made another excuse then, to Myself, convincing Myself that it was too early in the day to report on, well, The Day.
So now I’m typing here from my cyber-confessional. To the virtual cyber priest/readers, I pledge to be more diligent about getting my entries in each day, and to try to be interesting. (He prescribes that I must write “I will blog everyday 500 times on a piece of paper and then do 5 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers).Well, that’s it for now. The 6am old-has-been’s basketball game at the gym is fast approaching so I need to get some sleep.
1 comment:
"Tin Tin"... Sounds like you had a busy day! :-)
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