Saturday, October 13, 2007

Pick up the phone

Today's (yesterday's...yeah, i know...) pet peave was people that don't pick up the phone, choosing instead to send an email. It never ceases to amaze me how people will send an email as a passive-aggressive means of relaying their message. Oh sure, we all do it. He/She who has not sent a work related email at 6pm, trying to sneak it in under the radar so that you don't have to deal with the consequences of it until tomorrow morning please stand up. That's what I thought. Like me, you are still sitting. Phone calls are so easy. We all have a cell phone. Whether it be Verizon, Sprint, or Boost, you can get in touch with most of us at a moment's notice.

In the last two days, I have had several instances of soccer moms, disorganized clients, and scatterbrained friends alike who sent an email when they should've called and then wondered why I didn't have the information when they asked me about it. "But I said, er...uh...i sent an email telling everyone that the game has been cancelled."

" didn't see my email about the schedule change?"
"Oh yeah, we decided not to go, so we didn't need you to take us to the airport. But since you're here, are you hungry?"

Fresh off the latest game cancellation, I'm not in the mood to rant any further on this one. I think I'll get back in bed.

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