"Who has the better falsetto: Curtis Mayfield or Philip Bailey?"
" Better rapper: Jay-z vs. Nas?"
"East San Jose vs. South San Jose?
"McDonald's vs. McDowell's?"
You get the idea.

Such was the case with the following topic. Imani dared to ask "What's the better album: Thriller or Purple Rain?" After getting over the initial reaction ("Now why'd he go and do that???) I had to resist the urge to make an emotional decision. Make no mistake about it, both of these albums played a pivotal role in my personal history. Events and happenings of my youth took place with these two classics providing the soundtrack. Phrases like "I remember where I was when..." are spoken often about one of Michael Jackson's videos, or key parts of Prince's movie. Both of these musical efforts transcended all other things that were happening during that time period. Everything stopped for these two. Yes, it really was that major. To think that one could actually quantify these albums and be so bold as to put the comparative adverb "better" in front of one of these is almost mind boggling in itself.
Having given you the proper context by which to consider this bold question, I can actually share with you now how I chose to approach the matter at hand. Enjoy...
I chose to break it down track by track. Curiously, both albums had only 9 tracks. THAT'S ALL THEY NEEDED! There are no interludes, no skits, or random conversations. This is not a Juelz Santana album. This is serious business.
TRACK 1- its very important to get outta the gate strong in my humble opinion. Both the purple one and the gloved one clearly agree as both first tracks are super high energy dance classics that were hot singles in their own right. Let's Go Crazy actually charted at #1 while Startin Somethin' peaked at #5. However, Startin Somethin' gave us the unforgettable "mama say mama saw mama cu saw". I want to call this one even, but we'll give prince the nod for reaching #1.
TRACK 2- Baby be Mine vs. Take me With you. This is Prince by a landslide. Baby be Mine was a very danceable track as was pretty much everything Quincy Jones produced, and was listenable (i.e. you don't have to FF past this track), but it was mediocre in the grand scheme of things. Prince went with a string section for his music and Appolonia in the video so he wins easily here.
TRACK 3- The Girl is Mine vs. The Beautiful Ones. Advantage Prince. This is starting to look like that bad first couple of games that the OKC thunder came out with vs. the Spurs, or a boxing match in which prince and his purple high heeled boots has Mike's ass moonwalked up against the ropes in the early rounds and its looking grim. So Paul McCartney is seen by some as one of the greatest musicians of all time and is equally as famous as both Prince and Mike, I never really cared for this song. Prince's guitar work and transitions from falsetto to his deep voice put this one way over the top. If you're keeping score at home, this is Prince in a 10-9 round, and after 3 the judges have it 30-26.
TRACK 4- Thriller vs. Computer Blue. Mike's got the jab going now. In fact, he may have even scored a knock down here. Computer Blue is one of my favorites, but this is Thriller we're talking about. Not convinced? Okay, we're playing a pickup game at Cherry Park and I have first pick. Chris Webber is available for that first pick, but so is Michael Jordan. Umm....I'm taking Jordan. 10-8 for MJ.
TRACK 5- Beat It vs. Darling Nikki. This is a tough one, but then again, not really. Darling Nikki would've made one of the slow jam tapes back in the day, but Beat It is maybe one of Mike's 2 or 3 best songs ever. Definitely a great video. Although, I wonder what kinda XXX ratedness Prince's crazy lil' a$$ would've come up with for a Darling Nikki video. Hmmm. It really should be 10-8 here, but we'll call it 10-9.
TRACK 6- Billie Jean vs. When Doves Cry. Maybe the toughest battle of the whole album here. Billie Jean IS Mike's best song ever. Video nod goes to Mike.
But this is a great Prince song. I mean GREAT. This is two GIANTS at the peak of the powers going toe-to-toe, throwing their best punches and landing them from start to finish.
I wish i could give a tie here, but that would sell somebody short, so I gotta go Mike again here. After six rounds, we are tied at 56!
TRACK 7- Human Nature vs. I would Die 4 U. Another tough one. We'll give Prince props for his hand signals (you know you can still do it). Another great one with alot of energy from Prince, but Mike's Human Nature was soo sooo sooooo smooth that its actually a song that you like better and better as the years go by and it has had tremendous Remixability. (Chris Brown, SWV...Miles Davis cover...yeah...I said remixability). Almost too close to call here, so we'll go the charts. Human Nature peaked at #7 and IWD4U peaked at #8. 10-9 to Mike on this one.
TRACK 8- PYT vs Baby I'm a Star. Another super close one. About as Close as Ryan Bailey and team USA to Usain Bolt and Jamaica in that relay.

TRACK 9- Lady in My Life vs. Purple Rain. Oh my Goodness! This is absolutely ridiculous. We're talking Irish Mickey Ward vs. Arturo Gatti ridiculous.
Lady in my life is soo strong that if you ever hear an instrumental version you STILL love it.
"And I Will Keep You Warm
Through The Shadows Of The Night
Let Me Touch You With My Love
I Can Make You Feeeeeeel So Right"
against Prince's
"Honey I know, I KNOW, I know..times are changing...."
Prince performs the hell outta this song! Actually, this is like Rocky vs. Apollo Creed and they both knock each other down
......but Purple Rain gets up just before the 10 count!